I have now decided on my favourite 12 photographs I took last year (2022) and decided on my overall favourite image – see below
This image, “A Splash of Cloud”, like last year’s favourite (Misty Morning) was taken within 18 miles of home and like last year’s image I had pre-visualised the image and went back when the conditions I wanted were forecast.
I think I chose this image, as my favourite image of the year, as it marked a milestone as I experimented with infrared photography over the summer. It was the first time, that I felt, I had managed to bring together the conditions, the subject and composition to really show what black & white infrared photography can produce. The “splash of cloud” drifting into the top-right was the perfect “icing on the cake”. I was so very pleased when I viewed the image on the back of the camera 🙂
Below are my 2022 Favourite Twelve, in no particular order.
These are not necessary my “best” images as I think “best” is very subjective and it is difficult for me to to rate my own work. Instead these are images that mean something to me and have some emotional connection for me.